Catch up time
Let me see if I can remember everything that has happened since I last blogged. Trust me, it's not that we do a lot of things, it's that I have a very bad memory. Let's start with Sammy's birthday. He turned 10 this year - I know, I can't believe it either! We had a sleepover for him and everyone had a blast, even Jacob. For those of you who will still count the candles on the cake even though I've told you it's his 10th birthday, yes I do know that it looks like there's only 9. There's 10. I'm pretty sure it's hiding behind the one that is next to the Y in Sammy. I may not be good at math, but I can count to 10!!

Easter was good. While their uncle was here, we colored eggs with him and had a blast. The Easter Bunny went a little crazy this year with the candy. I guess "he" figured since the boys weren't going to get any little toys in their baskets, he'd fill them up with candy. About $50 worth of candy. Boy, did somebunny get yelled at for that one!! The boys had so much fun finding eggs and helping Jacob find some. We finally found the last egg this past weekend. Not by the smell, either. The boys were playing outside and AJ looked in the window and found it behind the fax machine. Guess that tells you how often I dust around that contraption, huh?

In the very back is Cameron, next to Sammy is Steven and Dylan with AJ on the other side and Michael's in front with Jacob. I love this picture! Sammy did not get guitar hero for his birthday, his friends brought it over to play with. He got a rip-stick for his birthday. Then about 2 weeks later, his dad goes out and buys a ps2 and guitar hero. Can we say spoiled? Then their uncle comes to visit right before Easter and buys another guitar and guitar hero 3.

Easter was good. While their uncle was here, we colored eggs with him and had a blast. The Easter Bunny went a little crazy this year with the candy. I guess "he" figured since the boys weren't going to get any little toys in their baskets, he'd fill them up with candy. About $50 worth of candy. Boy, did somebunny get yelled at for that one!! The boys had so much fun finding eggs and helping Jacob find some. We finally found the last egg this past weekend. Not by the smell, either. The boys were playing outside and AJ looked in the window and found it behind the fax machine. Guess that tells you how often I dust around that contraption, huh?
AJ finally graduated from speech class. He started October 10, 2003 and finished up March 5, 2008. I am so proud of him!! His teacher threw him a little party at school and made up a certificate and everything for him. I have never seen him smile so big in all my life.
Jacob is such a little handful. But he makes me laugh all the time. We'll sit here all day just laughing at each other for no reason. I have such a ball with him. He'll come up to me and say "mom, what a doing?" It is the cutest thing. I've got to start taking more pictures.
My mother came to visit for a week and a half. Jaime and I needed a babysitter so we could go to Pittsburgh for a hockey game. It was so nice too. It was our first time away from the kids since we got married 4 1/2 years ago. Mom was so nervous about doing it, too, because every time I would talk to her on the phone, all she could hear in the background was Sammy and AJ fighting and Jacob screaming, with me yelling at all 3 of them - ready to pull my hair out. Who could blame her? But true to form, the kids were perfect little angels while we were away and mom had NO problems with them at all. Doesn't seem fair does it?! But I always like to say that I must be doing something right if my kids will behave for someone!! It was great to see her again. I hadn't seen her in almost 2 years. We actually got along for the first time as well. Guess her "little girl" is growing up! Although, while she was here, she had to buy something for the boys as well. So Jacob got a little trike and AJ got a rip-stick and Sammy got yet another guitar hero game (although it's rocks the 80's - which is my favorite so that's ok!)
My niece had her baby (a boy) last week, so I am a great aunt again. He is such a little cutie! Which reminds me, my husband's first son and his wife had their baby (a girl) the wednesday before Easter. Does that make me a step grandma?!
We had some pretty bad storms come through here last week. I swear a tornado hit the park at Hurst on Precinct Line there (where the fireworks are always held). Trees uprooted here, roofs blown off there, the fence at the park was pretty much flattened. We even had some trees in the neighborhood uprooted. I woke up around 3:30 that morning to the most awful noise I've ever heard (wind) and it scared me. Which never happens, but this one did. Of course, we lost power, Jaime was out of town again and the boys were bored to tears. Although it was the first time in YEARS they've played outside all day and I thought it was a great day. We have a gas stove/oven so I was still able to cook and we just went and bought some ice to put the drinks in there and other items that were in danger of thawing. I sat outside all day as well and ended up getting burned to a crisp!
I think that about catches y'all up on everything. Not too exciting, but that is our life.
That is a big catch up. I was wondering where you had gone.
Happy Birthday, Sammy! I just counted 9 candles!!
Sounds like your boys are being spoiled :) Everytime a relative comes into town they get something new!
That storm was something!!!
Jenna, at 10:16 PM
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