The Johnson family

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Never Learn

The start of a new adventure. Some days I think I'm going to lose it. My boys (and I include Jaime in that word since this is actually his seat Jacob is climbing onto) will never learn to keep doors closed or chairs pushed in. I love them to death, but dang it, it's not that hard to remember!!
Just need to pull myself up
Almost there

I made it!


This is my child who loves to be the center of attention at all times. He's the first to ham it up for pictures, and he's the first to be seen in the home movies. When our friends come over, he usually dominates the conversation!! He's definitely not my son in that aspect. I was always a shy girl growing up and haven't changed all that much since then. I keep telling Jaime that we need to move to California and get this little show off on TV or in movies! And if you're wondering about what he's wearing, YES, it was just the other day this picture was taken and YES it was in the 90's that day. But apparently, when he comes in from playing in the water, he's freezing and puts on his sweatshirt/sweatpants. Now THAT'S my boy!!

Monday, June 19, 2006


Jacob helping himself to a donut. We have given up any hopes of him eating in his high chair any more. Whenever he goes in there, half of his food lands on the floor and the dog'll eat it. Needless to say, he's her new best friend these days. And I'm starting to get a little worried because when I took him in for his check up when he turned 1, he was 22 lbs. When we weighed him last week (almost 5 months later) he only weighed 25 lbs. I just feel like he's not getting enough to eat and he's not gaining like he should be. Especially for how big he was when he was born. So, we've started letting him eat "on the run" like AJ used to. I have found that he'll eat more that way because he can go play and come back and get something whenever he wants to; he's not penned up. The only problem with that is when he eats cheetos.....I have cheeto stains all over the house!
Plus, he has also decided that he needs to have something in each hand at all times, whether it be a bottle and pacifier, 2 toys or food. So here he is getting another donut from the bag on the table.
Dancing around with 2 donuts, just as happy as can be.

Last bite


AJ in his brother's room on the game cube.

This is what happens when I ask AJ if he'll smile for the camera. What a ham. He is so funny. Clever too. For those of you who don't know, AJ has a hard time saying certain letters and has been in speech class for the past 2 years. It has helped him tremendously because before he even went in there, all he could say was momma and dadda. Now, you can't get him to shut up, which is par for the course for any child learning to talk, but AJ has a few years to catch up on and I think he knows it! Anyway, when he was about 3 1/2 years old, he couldn't say Sammy. For some reason, he got it in his head to call him "Ha". He'd come into the room and say "Where's Ha?" Then Sammy would walk in and AJ would say "Oh hi, Ha". It was just the cutest thing. Wish we would've gotten it on film. These days, he can more or less say Sammy, but it still comes out more like Tammy. He has a lot of trouble with his F's and S's and substitutes them with T's. So this morning, poor boy, he wanted Frosted Flakes for breakfast. He comes up and asks if he can have "trosted tlakes". I told him he knows how to make the F sound so he needed to try and say it again. This time it came out like Ftrosted Ftlakes. I kept trying to get him to say it right and he finally goes "Can I just have some cereal?" I thought I would die laughing, but then of course I had to go comfort him because he thought I was laughing AT him. Which I was, but not in the way he was thinking. I was just so proud of the way he thought of a different word for what he wanted to say. Clever, huh?

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Outdoor fun

Sammy taking Jacob for a cruise on the "Gator". Jacob loves to ride in it and especially likes to honk it's horn. I'd feel a lot better if it had seat belts since Jacob doesn't like to sit down it it!
The boys being silly after a day of playing outside in the water. I think the sun is starting to melt their brains.
Mommy and Jacob

AJ's 1st solo bike ride

June 8, 2006 - AJ has finally mastered the art of bike riding. We started late last summer with it, but he obviously wasn't ready to do it. This year, it only took 2 days to get him riding on his own. He can even take off by himself without any help. We are SO proud of him! He wanted to show everyone how old he was when he learned. I've never seen a bigger smile on him.

Jacob's newest climb

Jacob loves to climb now since he learned how to on the coffee table. If you leave a chair pulled out, he climbs on it. As you can see, if you leave the dishwasher open, he climbs onto it. He has to be watched every second he's awake any more. How I miss those days of 4 hour naps twice a day!!

Jacob in time out. Daddy's giving him one of his famous hour long lectures on what he did wrong, why it was wrong, and why he won't do it again. Of course we all know it just goes in one ear and out the other. Poor baby!

Jacob's 1st push up

Jacob has been really irritable lately since he has been cutting his molars. I don't remember Sammy or AJ having this much trouble with theirs, but all kids are different. Jacob has finally started liking cold things. He just started drinking his milk cold about 2 weeks ago. And he loves the plastic ice cubes for the kids' drink bottles. So I thought I'd give him a push up and see how he does since he loves ice cream. Obviously he's not quite ready for them. Here he is trying to get it out.

And now he's wondering how he's supposed to get to it. After he "smushed" it a few more times on his tray, I took it away from him and just gave him an ice pack.