More Halloween pics
Okay, we got our pictures and I have finally gotten around to posting them. He was able to get some of Sammy and AJ by themselves which is the one thing I didn't do. I had to put another one of Jacob in here by himself though because he LOVES to look at pictures of him and his "bubbas". He'll point to them and say "Hay Jay, Dammy, Jacob"!!! Sammy had wanted to show his teacher what Jacob wore for Halloween so we printed out one of the pictures. When he got home from school that day, he told me that everyone in his class had thought it was AJ. Which it could very well have been (like 4 years ago). But it's just amazing how much they look alike.
Now this picture I know is a little blurry and you're probably wondering why I would add it. Well, the reason it's blurry is because my children have gotten spoiled with picture taking and they like to run up to the camera after the picture is taken to see what it looks like. So I had just snapped my picture and Sammy was running up to see it when Uncle Greg took this picture. Remember the old days when you had to wait to see your pictures? First you had to finish the film, then you had to wait until you were going into town to drop off the film, then it took 2 - 3 days, but you had to wait some more until you were going into town again to pick it up! At least that's how it was when I was growing up. I used to be so jealous of the people who had the polaroid cameras because I always thought that meant they were rich and I thought it was so cool that the picture would just pop out right then. Anyway, I put this picture in because it's the only one where Jacob is actually smiling and showing teeth!
Sam was Evil Spiderman?! I've never had luck with Halloween costumes and Austen. He SWEARS he's gonna wear whatever it is, and the mask doesn't even make it past the first house. I love that pirate costume if Jacob's-does he still like to wear it for fun? And is AJ a Power Ranger or a ninja?
By Anonymous, at 9:10 AM
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