The Johnson family

Sunday, November 04, 2007

AJ's 7th birthday

We had a nice quiet time at home with just the family for AJ's birthday. He got a bicycle from mom and dad (we've yet to get a picture of him on it) knee/elbow pads from his brothers, and we'd like to thank Grandma Pat, Aunt Dawn and Uncle Ray for the money for him to go buy "what he wants"! Caution: the following pics are of half naked little boys! It was so warm that day, nobody wanted to wear shirts. Gotta love Texas in October!

I think that AJ and Jacob look so much alike in this picture it's almost scary. Even down to their dirty faces from supper!

One of these times, I'm going to remember how the pictures get put in the blog so maybe I'll get them in order next time. Notice mommy's bad attempt at the decorating of the cake. I can usually write out the message pretty well, but of course, I like it to be 80 in the house so the frosting was melted and it was difficult to write with!

We have pics of Halloween, but I only took a couple of all 3 boys. Jaime's brother was here for the holiday and he took a ton of pictures. As soon as I get them from him, I'll post those.


  • I can't believe that he is 7!! How did that happen?!

    BTW, Chase did wear his costume because he wanted to get candy! No costume means no candy.

    By Blogger Jenna, at 8:15 PM  

  • It's a good thing I'm just a boring cousin and not an Aunt. Cuz if I was an Aunt, I'd be a sucky one! Hope AJ's birthday was swell and you'll have to get him on that bike so everyone can see it.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:12 AM  

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