The Johnson family

Thursday, May 18, 2006

More pics

Sammy helping out with the mowing. What a big boy he's getting to be!! Now if we could just get him to do the weed eating, we'd be set.
Jacob loves to go in AJ's room and sit on his rocking chair. I should just put it in Jacob's room since it's getting too small for the other boys. Sadly, this is the best picture I could take out of 4 tries. I keep trying to get a good picture of his adorable smile, but my camera takes forever in snapping the picture, that by the time it does - he's already doing something else. He doesn't like to sit still for long periods of time. Like 5 seconds!! But I'm a mother, so to me, any picture I get of my boys is a cute one whether they're smiling or not.

Sammy took this picture. Any pictures of an individual close up, you can pretty much count on Sammy taking them. The kids were "so bored" over the weekend that daddy found an old box in the attic and cut a hole out on the side for them. That is where AJ is in this picture....eating a ding dong. I guess no matter how old your kids get, a cardboard box is always a sure fire item to entertain them. They now have the box in Sammy's room and like to sit in it while they play the game cube. I don't ask any more why they do the things they do. As long as they're not fighting, I don't care!


  • Love the one of Sammy mowing! I can't believe that A.J. will be in Kindergarten next year!!!

    By Blogger Jenna, at 9:27 AM  

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